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Emergency Medicine

We are a newly formed division at Stony Brook University Hospital, having started in 2016. Our primary focus is on sustainable emergency medicine specialty development, but we also combine with multiple other divisions (including EMS, Critical Care, and Ultrasound) to provide cross-disciplinary opportunities and training.  


Our projects currently span four continents and include:



Stony Brook University has long been involved in Madagascar with a focus on lemur and anthropological studies.  With the recent creation of the Stony Brook Global Health Institute and the appointment of Dr. Peter Small (former Deputy Director of the TB Delivery Program for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), the emphasis has shifted toward exploring global health opportunities in the country using the existing Centre ValBio.



Led by Drs. Mallon and Valenzuela, the division has been instrumental in the development and recognition of emergency medicine as a specialty in Chile.  The division is intricately involved in the annual Conceptos educational conference and has provided many different speakers.  Dr. Valenzuela is also currently finishing his Fulbright research on creating a trauma registry for the city of Santiago.



Emergency medicine was only recently recognized as a specialty in Brazil in 2015 and there are currently only two established residency programs.  The DIEM at Stony Brook is currently focused on establishing formal ties with these programs to increase bilateral educational opportunities for residents and faculty from both countries.  We were also heavily represented at the recent ABRAMEDE conference, with Dr. Peter Viccellio providing the keynote address.


Saint Lucia:

We are working with the largest academic instution in Saint Lucia, where we are working to train physicians working in the Emergency Room, as well as with residents at the newly formed Emergency Medicine residency. We are also working in coordination with the Division of Ultrasound to bring training in Point-of-care ultrasound education to Saint Lucia.


Costa Rica:

We are working with several institutions in San Jose, Costa Rica where Emergency Medicine is in its nascency. In addition lectures and curriculum development, we are working with our peers in Costa Rica to establish a medical spanish educational rotation for Stony Brook medical students, residents, nurses, and faculty.


South Korea:

The Division works with Cheju-Hall/ Stony Brook Emergency Education Center in Korea, developing and refining ECC, EMT, and Paramedic programs.  We also host Korean EMS providers and academic emergency medicine professors at Stony Brook.



 In Nicaragua, we have worked with the National University in Leon to develop resuscitation and ultrasound programs for several years.   We continue to develop first aid training for indigent rural communities there.



 Faculty from the Department of Emergency Medicine teach a course on the difficult airway in Milan each year.



 Each summer, Stony Brook Emergency Medicine faculty, residents and medical students join Case Western Reserve Medical School on a mission to provide general medical care and ophthalmology/cataract surgery to the Sacred Valley of Peru. A Promise to Peru

Anchor 1
Stony Brook
EMergency Medicine

(631) 444-3880


101 Nicolls Road,

Stony Brook, NY 11794



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